You don’t have to wait to be baptized to follow the Lord, start following Him now!! Trust me, He won’t mind one bit! He loves you before, after, in between, whatever. I’m a simple woman I love game pizza and cat shirt He accepts you for yourself just as you are! Love, light, peace and harmony to you and the strong woman you have become through all your trials and tribulations!
I’m a simple woman I love game pizza and cat shirt
My husband of 29 years was verbally abusive & could get physical at times. The last relationship was someone I dated for 11 years. He doesn’t have a mean boat in his body. He just decided one day he wanted something different. So iv had both. I know there are good nice men out there so I am optimistic to a point. Not to the point that they think I will meet someone. I have no control of it. I’ve left it up to God. If it’s his plan it will happen. Until then I’m doing what I want & not letting life pass me by waiting any longer for someone to show up. Congratulations on your decision to be baptized. I’m a simple woman I love game pizza and cat shirt It’s the most important thing you will ever do. Loved this. It is so true! Once I gave up after my last relationship, I just sat back and analyzed everything about myself. I took the time to really deeply think about EVERYTHING in my life. The good and the bad. I learned that I was just with the wrong people. It took falling from the mountain top for my eyes to open and truly know my own worth.
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I have tried to force relationships of all kinds. I’m in my 60’s & my last relationship ended 9!years ago. I live in a rural area with very little to offer. So meeting the right person is very difficult. I did the on line dating thing & found it lacking. Everyone I met that I liked didn’t feel the same. Most are in it for games. I find at my age most of the men I meet aren’t interested in anything with substance. A lot are looking for someone to take care of them. So I’ve decided to go about my life & doing things that make me happy. I have even traveled alone. I am no longer waiting for someone to appear.
I still have a lot of loneliness but as much as before. I hear a lot of women my age complain about how their husbands don’t want to do anything or how sometimes they just want some space. When after a lifetime of work & the kids are gone they are suddenly with each other 24/7. I don’t think anything is perfect. So don’t force anything. Choose to be happy & as they say bloom where you are planted. I am trying this & so much happier than when I was chasing after people.
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