Notably even having nothing in your hand is exhausting after long enough. Maybe another video on that idea? How holding on to anything, or even nothing, will exhaust you because it’s not the “thing” Mickey mouse disney and wine kinda girl shirt you are holding onto that exhausts us… it’s already passed. It’s the holding on to it that exhausts us the longer we hold it.
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So have you evr gotten into an argument with some one on the train be uase your tired or pregeant and you wated to sit down but someone has their feet on the seator is strecthed out on the seat . Well stop monday morning quaterbzck there are rules so all play along well n also the personinterferring she goes to you an judge but the next time someone juzt take upa seat then yeah complain , she was asked nice once that zll it should take Mickey mouse disney and wine kinda girl shirt He said it all because we are supposed to forgive, love, and remember there are others in this fight too! Don’t wait for the things in this world! I no of all things I am talked to me what to do and so are you! this is the video that I watched time and time again to get over our situation and forgive you. I feel like you need it right now just to learn to let go of the burdens you’re holding on to.
Have a good day with this design
I especially liked the three quotes he used from the three people, whom I’ve always admired, respected and been influenced by. I also believe that we have to let go with love, those that we love too, as no one owns anyone else. Put ourselves in their place, having a hard time trying to wrap my head around that concept. Don’t know why one would want to put themselves into the shoes of a nasty soul for starters. I decided to forgive even though they didn’t ask for it. And since then, I began to live my life to my own satisfaction. Am not a slave to any one anymore, surely I’m healing, right from within. No more scrap can mess up with My heart coz I learned to guard it seriously.
I was offered sex with a 21 year old girl today. In exchange, I was supposed to advertise some kind of bathroom cleaner. Of course I declined, because I am a person with high moral standards and strong willpower. Just as strong as Ajax, the super strong bathroom cleaner. Now available with scented lemon or vanilla.
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