This was good to read and so were all the other comments as I too am facing big challenges where it has made me feel weak and incompetent, ultimately making me give up and just let things be to the extent of it turning me into one of them as they say dog eats dog and you got to eat to survive. Owl sunflower shirt However, I’ve taken the leap of faith by turning it all around simply by changing y mindset. It’s not my fault that I am going through life challenges, it’s not my fault
Owl sunflower shirt
Your writing is very good.I see clear you have respect for people.I dont agree with you 100%.We must have respect for our self and try to be better.This is an exelent video.And for sure it will inspire many people.And everything else how we will have our lives depend on our self.Only we people can make a change in this world. Owl sunflower shirt Some people never whant to grow so it is up to them.And when you are not happy in you job leave.We must stop making excuses.And change our selfs.And I have the life I whant.I did it.And everybody can do it.Believe in you self….
In the end we shouldn’t let our emotions overpower our intelligence, but if this work ruins us and don’t help us to improve, we should trust god and go finding better, I think this is the biggest challenge of our lives, leaving what ruins us i have seen this sort of things with people.. thats why i have managed it for myself well at work from the beginning… When employees are desired to be and do as their managers want, managers tend to increase the pressure to the limit, employee can function or cop up to..its a tendency of managing people.. when we have problems, we can tolerate more.. and they know it!
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