They just want to hold up a sign, and think they’re somehow exercising their rights. Yet they have no clue about anything pertaining to Government, Sunflower stay trippy little hippie shirt and their own rights! They’re actually protesting the Government to take away their rights…it’s mentally stupid, it’s got to be a disease, cuz there is no other explanation.
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Let’s keep repeating what she said online. Please. Lol this is a major crime in Pennsylvania actually and she’s probably already been reported. It’s under terrorist threat laws here and in most states. We don’t have stand your ground in PA so she could be facing up to three years prison time. keep spreading it for more proof. She would have said the same thing to anyone regardless of their size. Sunflower stay trippy little hippie shirt It was not an insult, she is just apparently not comfortable in her own skin,” so to speak” so she took it as one. That is her own fault. That was the one part of the video that wasn’t cool. These people are wrong and conservatives must not succumb to cheap shots
Welcome to the badass collection

by just arguing her point she would have left the girl speechless all the same. I think if you can dish be able to take it the whole high road every single time that’s not reality so no excuses no exemptions don’t be a Sally boy or a candy ass afterward about your feelings I concealed carry everyday but I don’t use that fact to try to intimidate someone after insulting them. If they wanna fight I’ll say “hang on let me put my gun in the car first” not “you know I carry right?!?!

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