I loss my brother to suicide in 2009. I’ve felt guilt for it for years because I felt like I should have been there. It’s the worst pain ever and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of him. You are my sunshine sunflower autism awareness shirt We really need to talk about it because you never know when you will have to deal with it or could save a life.
You are my sunshine sunflower autism awareness shirt
my brother took his life last year January 16th it’s the saddest thing I ever been through nobody heard him but me by then it was too late my mom didn’t believe him I did but couldn’t save him I have his ashes and I did fix him up for the wake that’s all I could do because I always cut his hair. My condolences to you and your family and all who mourn the loss of their loved ones by suicide it’s not easy day by day. So sorry! I have lived through two (grandma and uncle) You are my sunshine sunflower autism awareness shirt and multiple episodes with my sister who we lost just three years ago out of the blue by aneurysm. We were there for her as much as possible but told ourselves that if she were ever “successful “ we wouldn’t feel guilty just sad. Someone that truly wishes to will at some point make the attempt we just can’t get to.
Don’t be angry or hate them. They are truly in pain and can’t see past that moment. So sorry for your loss. The pain doesn’t get better just different today willby a challenge no doubt. You are part of a club now that none of us want to be part of. I have lived through two (grandma and uncle) and multiple episodes with my sister who we lost just three years ago out of the blue by aneurysm. We were there for her as much as possible but told ourselves that if she were ever “successful “ we wouldn’t feel guilty just sad. Somehow we always knew we wouldn’t have her long but the aneurysm stunned us. Someone that truly wishes to will at some point make the attempt we just can’t get to. Don’t feel guilty or be angry or hate them. They are truly in pain and can’t see past that moment. So sorry for your loss. The pain doesn’t get better just different
Have a nice day and enjoy these new designs

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