The prisons will be full of women who just did not want to bear a child Sunflower donkey all over print shirt because of personal choice. Before you make a judgment like this,make sure you are not making the entire issue worse for society as a whole.
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what a n ignorant comment.. your own mother put her life at risk to bore you. Women are by nature should conceive & have babies. Killing the unborn in a womans womb is 1000 more at a high risk than natural conception. Your lack of knowledge about this subject shows ignorance. I agree. If every child had a loving home, with two parents, there would not be a need for birth control or abortion. Sunflower donkey all over print shirt But the world is an imperfect place. And you cannot legislate something so incredibly personal
as the choice to bear a child. It has to be, must be, her choice and her choice alone. I am more concerned about the consequences of making abortion “murder”. More children will need round the clock care for massive birth defects. More hospitals will need to built for that purpose only. Tremendous burden on society. At some point you have to realize that what you are doing has huge consequences in the opposite direction. Next, they will want you to limit your family