definitely never ever stay in abusive relationship. What I’m saying is no relationship is easy. Couples argue. They go through hard times. Life happens. I have friends that divorce because their marriage wasn’t what they thought. Comma sunflower be here tomorrow shirt Or didn’t turn out they way they wanted to. Life happens. But I firmly if the two truly want to be together then you can work through damn near anything.
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as my divorce lawyer once said…you’re a long time looking at the lid. Why tolerate mediocrity or merely rubbing along ? By my age too many people are stuck in tolerable marriages with someone they are not suited to any more. Move on. Live. Well said. My grandmother would tell me growing up that marriage is hard work, a no walk in the park, and certainly can be a hard life. Especially when people are too busy fantasizing Comma sunflower be here tomorrow shirt a marriage with the wrong person than the reality of marriage with the right person I had a “drive-thru chapel” wedding. Just got the license had a few family members and went to a dinner after. 27 years later we have an awesome marriage, friendship, partnership! I don’t regret not having a huge wedding. Thank you for the message!!
Go shopping and hope you like it

I think relationships and how men and women think should be taught/discussed in schools from at least aged 9years onward. This way children/young people will have some understanding how both sexes think. Plus give them the tools to make things work and not run at the first I say amen to that. Wow! Such power in your words. I wish more people would see it like this. Me and my husband married after being together for over 15 years, he is my daughters step dad and together we have 2 kids of our own. 10 years ago we separated because we grew apart and didnt communicate anymore.
We’ve been through a lot, and two of our children are diagnosed with autism. Which brings even more challenges to any relationship. But after 15 years he proposed, and we had a intimate small wedding, costs not more than €4000 euros. But the most amazing of that day was, my children being able to witness our union and they each got to give their blessing to us. Priceless and humbled that we can teach them that no matter how deep you fall, you get up and keep working on your problems. Nobody’s perfect.

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