Now am feeling really alone mine is 5years but some how it’s not working am not able to move on its hurting me alot tons of tears from my eyes that tares my heart into pieces Stay wild moon child hippie sunflower shirt This is really a thing for me. Now am happy being alone. It’s time for me to know myself, to find out what I deserve, and the most important is to love myself.
Stay wild moon child hippie sunflower shirt
so true as usual ! sometimes we have to stay alone to know and find our Worth, to figure out what we really want and the most important thing we should never rush things, let things come naturally Everything you said here are all what i am going through right now but i have no solution for it and it already looks like it has been a part of me to be sad everyday,having low self esteem everyday and always depressed every day by day come at the point in my relationship nothing but bad . Stay wild moon child hippie sunflower shirt Made me realize that it’s ok to be alone . I been scared not to .it’s better than a abusive relationship with a lying cheating alcoholic
Yeah when we get low grades we are punished like it’s the end of the world when it’s really not its just a grade for something we will most likely never use I agreed until he mentioned SPORTS. Athletes should be able to get by on their athletics alone. Many can’t read! Remember that the next time you tell your kid it’s ok to not get good grades as long as you “play sports” We moved quite often. This had a terrible effect on my older brothers learning. When he graduated from HS, our parents were told not to waste their money to send him to college. My parents didn’t listen. My brother is now DR. DOUGLAS NANCARROW, an academic and I am very proud of him!
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