HBO and D&D have turned the series into a huge mess. 9 years anticipating this very war and Game of thrones cat on the iron throne shirt it’s just too rushed.. you can’t ‘blame’ a man for not writing the books ‘like he should be’, good books take time.
Game of thrones cat on the iron throne shirt
I think people are hating it for the opposite reason. Characters that should have died got saved Hollywood style and poor writing in general. It seems they are scared of killing off main characters. Also characters acting differently all of a sudden and not how the characters have been built up for the last 7 seasons. Such an ignorant comment. George gave them enough material for 13 seasons which they opted to abandon… in fact they they haven’t used virtually any of his source material Game of thrones cat on the iron throne shirt after the 3rd book of the series (note there are 5 books so far).. and they only used a fraction of the material from the first 3.. the show has considerably less characters and story arcs to deal with and is a simplified version of the multi layered books.
He told them how to proceed with the story after they finished filming season 4… instead of listening they decided to scrap pretty much everything he told them should happen and instead decided to bum rush the series to it’s conclusion. The moment they stopped using his material the show became repetitive and increasingly predictable… it’s evident they ain’t shit without him. So a combination of rushing the series without using his material/guidelines along with their terrible ideas and bad writing can suggest nothing other’s their fault.. not his. This has to do with the script. The writing is horrific! I dont care what anyone says, GRRM is still the mastermind behind it all, he should have stayed.
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