They’re mad when the good guys win and the night king loses and they’re mad when the bad guys win. I’m just done listening to them bitch and Game of thrones arya stark goat air jordan shirt moan about everything under the sun. If you don’t like it then don’t keep watching. I’m watching the show for myself now.
Game of thrones arya stark goat air jordan shirt
seriously how cheap is that.. some simple kidnapping that they managed how exactly and why exactly her and not others as well, like Tyrion? #plotholes and unfortunately not plausible. Also I do not like that they seem to have forced sex scenes now in every episode. It’s nice for Brienne and all, but again.. the WHAT is not my problem, but the HOW and WHY ?!.. very weird, unconvincing episode, which is a shame because I liked WHAT happened. Game of thrones arya stark goat air jordan shirt Do you realize that’s how people lose interest in when they are PUSHED into doing something? That’s when things get rushed, story becomes bland, and nothing is exciting. He has to write the books in his own pase. Not yours cause you are selfish.
I totally agree. I get the feeling that D&D just finish the season to get it over with, and dont have any pleasure in directing the episode. Perhaps also, the cast wanted to do something else and said to D&D they were going to resign their contract soon, thus explaining why they rush the last two seasons. The actress doing Sansa did a depression because of the fan hating her chatacter. What if she wasnt the only one to have had a bad experience with the show? Cause GRRMartin said it, there is enough book material for 12 seasons. I also have the theory that they wanted to have Dany as a vilain because we like to make feminism look bad. Think about it, beside Dany and Cercei, there are no more cool women in politics or ruling position. Why the need to make them both vilains? Anyhoo… maybe im seeing too much into this. Im gonna lie down now before I get into a rage outbreak.
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