if Sansa would have told Jon, about the knights of the viel from the beginning, she could have saved so many of Jon’s men’s lives but shes an idiot, and kept her mouth shut Game of thrones game of toys you always win shirt Dany said she loves Jon o Sansa however when Jon told her who he really is she was already plotting ways to kill him because she doesn’t care about anything other than taking the iron throne and ruling.
Game of thrones game of toys you always win shirt
Sansa has learned from the best of the bad guys in GOT. She understands how to read her enemies. I also hope Dany is not going to descend into madness. I would love for the female leads to all bring peace back to Westeros. Except Cersei. Though I have enjoyed her portrayal of an evil Queen with a human side, in this series. ’ve said for a long time now, that if Sansa ends up on the throne, I wouldn’t mind! She’s earned it. She plays the game better, Game of thrones game of toys you always win shirt and she’s been taught by all the right players! I didn’t see anything romantic or sexual in Sansa’s greeting of Theon. They both went through some pretty horrific shit together, and they nearly died escaping together. Sansa was just legitimately happy to see him there, willing to risk his life to fight for Winterfell. They share a bond as survivors.
Sansa did object to Dany. Basically she was asking for the North to be independent from the Iron Throne rule, like Dorne is. Dorne was never conquered by Aegon. Dorne sought to join only through peaceful arrangements, such as marriage. When Sansa said, “What about the North”? That was her testing Dany’s rule once she obtains the throne. The North has lost a total of 5 wardens/kings being under the rule of the throne. That’s not including houses that were loyal to the Starks. With all of that being factored in and it being the largest region of the continent. The north have suffered severely time and time again. Jon is focused on the walkers. Sansa is seeking to uphold her families house and to protect the north at all cost. It’s a powerful scene.
Have a nice time and go shopping

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