honestly I have been saying this since we found out we were going to have to wait 2 years for the last season. Let’s keep our fingers crossed, look both ways before crossing the street, Olenna tyrell tell cersei it was me game of thrones shirt don’t drink and drive and keep our blood pressure down …We need to make it another 7 weeks to get to the last episode. I am rooting for us.
Olenna tyrell tell cersei it was me game of thrones shirt
I keep thinking this lol. Im paranoid of some freak accident happening so I drive even more extra careful now and am eating healthier. Just so I have better chances of making it to the last episode the way I would do it is have Arya take off Jamie’s face as Cersei is dying. Arya would kill Cersei slowly and at the very last minute reveal her face. Olenna tyrell tell cersei it was me game of thrones shirt the way I would do it is have Arya take off Jamie’s face as Cersei is dying. Arya would kill Cersei slowly and at the very last minute reveal her face. I want Jaimie to choke cersei. Then after he killed the love of his life, his hand is on fire, because he is azor ahai. Then he has a burning fist for the fight against the dead. And he will beat the night king with a fire bitchslap.
Have a nice time and get this design

No, the witch didn’t say Cersei would be killed by a younger princess. In the book the witch gives another prophecy,”And when your tears have drowned you, the Valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.” And Valonqar means “little brother” in Valyrian. No, the witch didn’t say Cersei would be killed by a younger princess. In the book the witch gives another prophecy,”And when your tears have drowned you, the Valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.” And Valonqar means “little brother” in Valyrian. to watch the first season again before the final season is out, which we have done. So many details and references that will be important this season. John snow sacrifices himself so they win the war in epic final scene, also look forward to the epic battle of winterfell in the first episode an epic 45 minute battle between the living and the dead, longest battle in tv history. Enjoy.

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