Maia could probably out strike askren and that’s sad. I don’t think Askren would be afraid to grapple with Maia like the other wrestlers though. Would be very interesting would beat khabib and askren. Nobody wants to go to the ground with maia. Khabib and askren both Ben askren curly headed fuck shirt with get the takedown just to be triangled or sweeped. By the way, marcelo garcia tapped ben askren. Its on YouTube. Check it out
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Some refs may have stopped it, yeah you’re not wrong. They didn’t though and once Askren gets ahold of you it’s game over. Much like when Khabib took Conors back. I laughed my ass off when he tapped but if we’re being honest…Conor would have never got Khabib off of him at that point. He was fooked now you cant say you rather see somebody dominate with wrestling over a fight were 2 are trying to knock eachother out. Ben askren curly headed fuck shirt I dont hate the wrestling side i think its very skillful but defo wouldnt prefer it robbie is no slouch and even after getting smashed the dude was on top . Only ppl who know wresteling know robbie had nowhere to go . All the haters say it was a gimmie but he had him right then and their just a matter of time his grip is thattt strong
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the casual is the one who doesn’t know what a neck crank is… ben was mere seconds away from lowering his hip and potentially breaking robbie’s neck… can assure you there’s no possible way someone going for askren is a casual Lawler is one of my favorite fighters but he wasn’t robbed , Ben was. A few seconds later and instead of a controversial win he would’ve gotten a tko over one of the toughest in mma Very few MMA fighters are good enough to count that much on their bottom game. Most of the time, they lose on points. Cant really think of anyone but Ferguson and Werdum. I know Jacare is also beastly, but no one ever gets him there

Dc and sonnen would disagree, they call him the best chain wrestler in mma. If he gets you down he will pound you out or take it to a lop sided decision. I dont see anyone beating him unless they can avoid the takedown and stay on the outside. Not snoozeman thats forsure , all ben needs is a leg Why do fighters choose their own bouts? How can they say no to bouts? Why is it considered noteworthy when some fighters take the “any fight, any time” approach (in their own weight class, of course) Shouldn’t they have to take the fight? Can you imagine if a football team said they weren’t going to play another team because of that teams offense (or defense) style? MMA is becoming little more than drama scripted wrestling.

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