do you even know God ?Bcos if you do,You won’t even encourage this with your comment.Is that what God said in the bible?Whatsoever we do that does not please God is bad and sinful. Vintage sometimes I wet my plants shirt Please encourage what is right.God that created her to be a lady does not know why he made her that way.You guys shud stop mocking God bcos you cannot mock him.
Vintage sometimes I wet my plants shirt
God is all knowing, right? So God knows how these people are before THEY even know, as they’re being made in the womb, God not only knows but guess who made them that way?? (according to the Christian religion) And if you want to argue that God didn’t make them that way (which would be ignorant bc that’s the first thing Bible thumpers always say) then another great thing Christians LOVE to say is that God is all loving, so even if God didn’t make homosexuals/transsexuals etc. Vintage sometimes I wet my plants shirt then he would still LOVE them, (since God loves everyone, no matter what) so you should too. And you saying “our” God, is extremely ignorant bc we all know that their are hundreds of different religions that have different God and Goddesses they believe in, so you implying that all these people believe in YOUR God is the most selfish, ignorant thing you could say
Get this new item and have a nice day

all what i sad is true. young sis. i see you don’t know the holy scriptures commandments. i’m not a judge. it is my job to let ppl. know what thus said the lord. to the ones that don’t know better. see, i plant the seed it’s up to that person to accept or not. god gives everyone of us a choice. him or the world(satan) and by now at your age you should know right from wrong. so, if you live in sin young sis. and for some reason you have passed away, your life is over and you didn’t have that chance to ask the lord for forgiveness, your soul for sure is going to hell! condemnation sis. is not my job. just letting ppl.know what happens when you live in sin. and i know i’m going to heaven, are you?
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