“I support abortion, so I have to come up with other cases where children are killed, Vintage that’s cute now bring your uncle a beer shirt and claim that Conservatives also approve of killing children.” Shapiro is right in pointing out that the FACTS don’t support the conclusion.
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Unfortunately, most Leftist idealogs simply refuse to use logic and facts to support their conclusions. to try to prevent shapiro from speaking at all considering an abortion is pre birth. This is the dumbest quote you could have posted. Please tell me more about how much you white Christians care about poor children when they are born. You couldn’t care less. You’re pro birth. Vintage that’s cute now bring your uncle a beer shirt Not pro life. be responsible enough to deal with what could possibly come with it. Maybe if abortion was illegal or had certain restrictions, people would stop treating it as birth control or think about the consequences that comes with your actions
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that they could use to hire out for labor and spare themselves the problem of working. Women were also thought of as property of their husband’s and therefore had less rights purely because of physical factors. It is demonstrably proven that babies in the 2 trimester are capable of feeling touch and respond to physical stimuli. Which is why they require a local anesthetic during inutero surgical procedures!!
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