Well. He has done some wrong too. Because my bf, without even me asking always tell me any new person he meets, whether he /she and if he is texting them. He doesn’t have to… Alan Jackson hotter than a hoochie coochie vintage shirt But I feel so good him telling me like, “hey, this girl at work is so funny, she is texting me now, should we all hang out”.
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Once a person feels violated.. They will get defensive. If you go looking for something. You will find it. If she was really reading the words she would see the content. But if you can’t get past the female name…Your suspicious… root suspect end feeling violated..guilty. In turn he could have just said. The questions of what we’re you doing in my phone doesn’t help. are we not allowed to speak to another person simply cuz we’re in a relationship? what a boring world to live in… how often are work related tasks executed through text/emails these days? a lot. Alan Jackson hotter than a hoochie coochie vintage shirt why did she pick up his phone to begin with- video doesn’t come close to even suggest a vibe of his devoted attention to the text conversation he was supposedly having to cause her to look through his phone. And I’m curious in what context were these messages she snooped through?
IF there was something off or inappropriate conversation present in the messages – 100% certain an outing for a cuppa tea would not have happened, she would have ripped into him then and there. He answered her question- someone from work. She persisted to repeat herself, along with her body language, tone of voice (IMO spoke volumes– loud and clear) of her ability to communicate appropriately so he left. I would have as well, she was reacting in an insecure and confrontational manner..Go home with that situation. I find.. to address a flag with why are they be this way.. ( diferent). What do they need.. Sometimes it helps me to stay on a path to openness. I feel the comfort to be honest should remain between each other. It was in the beginning . Getting to know each other…what changed?
Have a good day and take it
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