Made me realize that everyone is deficient in their own way. Some may be good at art, while they are not-so-good at speaking, or some may be good with speaking but not so good at writing. Hippie get your happy on flowers peace shirt Everyone is different, and that’s the beauty in it! Life would be boring if we all were the same! Let’s hope we can see that and learn to accept everyone.
Hippie get your happy on flowers peace shirt
I don’t understand why some ppl did the sad emoji. He overcame something in his life and turned it into a good thing…challenging himself and his fears. I say great job! I wasn’t expecting to see those emojis. Different people react to stories differently, or maybe some people stopped watching before the end of the speech. My brother Ron 80 years ago stuttered so badly you could not understand him. Mom took him to sick Kids and they taught him to think what he was going to say then speak. He overcame stuttering and you would never know he had had a speech problem Hippie get your happy on flowers peace shirt I developed a crazy stutter when I was 12 (in 1998) have no idea how or why, I was able to talk just fine before. And it ruled my life. I scraped by school bc I wouldn’t do the assignments that required a verbal presentation, I wouldn’t raise my hand to answer questions.
The hardest thing was my name, Joey Colmenares. As a way to cope, I picked up singing, didnt stutter during that. Here i am now, 33 and i still stutter, not as bad as when i was younger, but still deal with it on a day to day. I appreciate it, dont really talk about it much, or at all really. I dont think I’ll ever fully be rid of the stutter, it’s been 21 years already, kinda feels like its who I am. I dont go all day thinking about it except when I notice it, and it dont happen every time I talk. I’m not shy about it anymore, I’m not afraid to talk in front of people. My biggest obstacle that has never changed is to talk on the phone, like if I need to call my cable provider, or Insurance company, or a girl i liked waay back lol, then it acts up 3x. I use to have audio recordings of myself I would use on the phone just to get the conversation going lol.
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