I can give them all A’s but is that really important or the fact your kid likes to come to school and is excited about what they learned that day. Anything for selenas vintage shirt Oh by the way I was that kid and hated school. I tried everything to get out of going to school. Now I go everyday.
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There are wonderful teachers out in the world and I hope I am one of them but I have seen that from others in my career. It’s a huge responsibility and takes a certain person to teach and I am not only talking about content. Now grades or tests I feel we all have that and we all are not all A students but everyone does shine in different ways that is not graded. School is to prepare for the world. There are days I feel I only teach the soul. Anything for selenas vintage shirt not the mind but that’s okay bc I am still helping them grow into good people that will someday rule the world- at least theirs. The high stakes testing I am giving up on sure I want my students to do well on them but I am not going to grind them and myself to the ground about it. I have parents freaking out about grades and that’s a shame.
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I am also one of those students who was put done by many teachers in my elementary school year (grade one to grade 6). Ego is everywhere. Teachers need to be evaluated by the students and students and the students grades and outcome. I don’t know what that would look like…and teachers evaluations need to be a reflection of how well their students do. Senior in high school, we had to move because my husband was active duty.
Wen I went to register my son a teacher said to my son you don’t need chemistry. You won’t be going to college. The teacher was black and my son Hispanic. My son now Owens two aquatic stores and indoor reptile zoo and is doing very very well. He taught himself chemistry because he uses chemistry everyday in his stores and his aquariums. What the teacher said made me very angry and I would like nothing better than to show him the successful man my son is despite his negative attitude.
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