efore I watch this trailer I go in with the Understanding that Feige has been hyping this character up for 6 years now. Unless she is an amazing actress along Avengers endgame whatever it takes shirt with an amazing character people are going to flip out. Iron Man and Cap earned those spots, it’s a tough pill to swallow to have her suddenly be the savior of everything.
Avengers endgame whatever it takes shirt
She has the same singular facial expression in every clip. I was more interesting before I saw the trailer. But I worry she’s going to give a Michael B Jordan as Killmonger type medicore performance, and half the marvel fanatics won’t be able to criticize because marvel Larson is a Oscar-winning actress. I guarantee she didn’t win that Oscar by being “bland”. How about people wait until they see the movie before judging acting performances? Avengers endgame whatever it takes shirt She said all but 2 lines in the trailer and one was off-screen. winning an Oscar doesn’t guarantee she is going to be good in this film. You’re right though, for a trailer which she’s supposed to be the star, she’s bland in every single part. It does nothing to instill confidence in the movie.
This movie is such a desperate move to just create a female lead. Literally in no variation of any Infinity Gauntlet saga is Captain Marvel alive.. because her death is one of the main reasons as to why Thanos goes off and forges the Infinity Gauntlet. But hey it’s 2018 and they need to appease the SJW’s so they’ll just kinda make it up as they go This movie is such a desperate move to just create a female lead. Literally in no variation of any Infinity Gauntlet saga is Captain Marvel alive.. because her death is one of the main reasons as to why Thanos goes off and forges the Infinity Gauntlet. But hey it’s 2018 and they need to appease the SJW’s so they’ll just kinda make it up as they go I get it but they are also building a Cinematic Universe based on the comics but not 100%. Same goes for Ultron. Stark never created Ultron Hank Pym did. Thanos instead went after the stones after Ego, Odin and Asgard fell. They just used those others in place
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