Homosexuality and Transgender are considered to be mental illness. Deadpool norsepool viking shirt My stepbrother who is transgender talks about it all the time. And the psychiatric community treats it as a mental illness. I’m going to say this it’s easier to say that then to understand where someone else is coming from no I am not transgender
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so Now you can argue if you believe in the Bible or any of the 138 books about God or not, but you can not fault her for stating what it clearly says in the Bible. Now that you are judging her soul which is only Gods place to do so according to the Bible as well. And then even after that decision to destroy..he gave warning through Moses..most laughed with unbelief..It hurt God to destroy His creation but He is a God who wont tolerate Satan to have rule or mockery. Deadpool norsepool viking shirt God provided and vowed to never flood again..a promise and a sign of a rainbow..however..his second benefit came by way of Jesus..who bares all sins of the world..for us..so you see God IS perfect.

All we have to do is believe in Him. It is Satan’s strong deception of fertility in the land to mock God’s greatest gift and that is life. Satan desires to mock God’s life given creation but sadly to witness Satan appears to be winning..even though we all know..even if we dont want to..we know in the end.. God will win and destroy all that opposes His authority and His Word. Only the word will stand. People harden not your hearts when you hear the voice of the Lord. Jesus is coming back and soon. Peace n blessings that’s not true.
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