The Hulk could beat Thanos. The one thing they’ve yet to explore in the MCU Hulk, is his ability to grow as he gets angrier, and more full of rage. Iron man you have an army we have a hulk shirt That’s the hulk that will beat Thanos, and im certain they won’t disappoint the fans. The fans want it, and the way they let it, it’ll be a big part of the Hulk story arc. My opinion though.
Iron man you have an army we have a hulk shirt
Really the time is coming… I used to be amazed by these movies but now all they do is blasphemy against my Jesus. Making movies to show the third advent. Where man feels he can war against God. I will not take part in Satan philosophy NO MORE. Some how people think this is entertainment but when it’s too late they will wish that they spend more time with the Savior. Lord have mercy on us. when I was 11 years old a teacher called me a nut job because Iron man you have an army we have a hulk shirt I didn’t want to take part in idol worship. My heart is burden because what a man thinks is right is wrong in the eyes of God. if I had a dollar for every deer, Turkey, squirrel, pigeon, crow, Grouse, duck, chipmunk, coyote, porcupine, raccoon, goose, rabbit, and woodcock iv ever shot I’d have enough food to feed every starving person in Africa
Take it and hope you enjoy it

you have actually convinced yourself theres an invisible man living in the sky who watches you every second and has a special list of 10 bad things he does not want you to do and if you do any of these things he has a special place full of fire and smoke and burning and torcher and anguish where he will send you to live forever and ever until the end of time but.. Hulk pretty much doesnt have a powercap, if he gets angry enough he can easily get stronger than thanos, but yea, thanos is the better fighter, and their power lvl is pretty much equal (When hulk isnt furiatingly raging, and thanos isnt using infinity stones) if you havnt noticed the hulks apperence changes every movie banner looks the same but the hulk started out more babyish with no speech only anger then in ragnorok his face majorlly changes he develops speech etc. My point is the hulk is not as old as banner tharefore the hulk is still growing developing learning

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