that’s why it’s called building a story and make it justified. If they bring back all the characters back and not 1 superhero like Iron man for example not die, Marvel are soft. Captain marvel goose cat I do what I want vintage shirt This should be the Marvel film to say that’s the best superhero film of all time. Don’t want it to be Star Wars but have the balls to do it.
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I see your point and I think there will be some that are lost for good in this one but it whether the story and ongoing films need it rather than it being the expected result for an “event movie” ! Crazy hyped for this Endgame? Seems a bit final for a franchise that wants to keep going. How about Resistance? Or if it is going to be a Tony story, how about Resilient? As in Tony’s company in the comic at one point was Stark Resilient and the Resilient will of mankind that will rise up to defeat Thanos? Dying alone in space is a terrible endgame. And I would still suggest a more… Captain marvel goose cat I do what I want vintage shirt a name that doesn’t sound like the end of the story when there are still going to be more MCU films. The MCU is supposed to continue on after this. Avengers Resistance? People love rebels. Avengers Rising? There is Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors and MCU likes having names that tie into other Marvel stuff. Avengers Resilient? Post Dark Reign Tony set up Stark Resilient, so the name would hint at it being a Tony-centric story, and the resilience of the human spirit.
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So Ant-Man shows up at the trailer’s end with the Ant Van. Anyone else notice at the 1:50 mark when the movie title rolls in, how the letter ‘A’ in the background forms up from small pieces? Almost like a rewinding of how people disintegrated during Thanos’ snap / decimation? Don’t no if anyone thinks the same but to me I think the begging of this video is the end of the film endgame !?? , stark had no helmet as most of his armour was destroyed, and it’s a last message to his loved one Antman time travels into the future after getting sucked into a vortex in the Quantum Realm leading the remaining Avengers to realise they can use Shuri to utilise this, transporting the Avengers to different time periods so they can retrieve the Soul Stones before Thanos gets them…. That’s a theory… A film theory!

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