Captain America. I can’t imagine anyone else playing that role. If he’s not coming back, I don’t think the character should come back, either. Marvel avengers endgame logo heroes and legends shirt At least not in the MCU If the next marvel movies might step thanks why him fantastic four with them might make a better movie does anyone agree with me
Marvel avengers endgame logo heroes and legends shirt
I just started watching Captain America because I loved that he was a hero and from the 1940s (my favorite era) now I hear that he dies!! I totally ditched Superman for the Capt!!! Why Steven why? You’re my favorite! So another Marvel film ending with a funeral… not interested. Guardians 2 took itself too seriously. I’ll wait for Deadpool 2, after the first was a fun movie with a naked fight in a burning building, where the bad guy dies and the good guy gets his girl. I want to do a movie marathon before watching this! Can we watch all the Ironman, Captain Americas, Marvel avengers endgame logo heroes and legends shirt and Avengers before we watch this? Am I too ambitious? this is going to be better than batman vs superman its basically (team) iron man vs (team) Captain America this is going to be epic i cant choose which side. Marvel is really doing all these movies an injustice by leaving out the best chaeacter, Wolverine. I know he’s not in the traditional Avengers but he is in the new Avengers and played a part in the civil war. The Wolverine movie was horrible, they need to do an entire Weapon X movie or even better yet a feature Hulk vs Wolverine, with Deadpool and iron man in the Hulk Buster armor.
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Marvel Studios doesn’t own all the rights to all Marvel (comics) characters. I know, it’s confusing. Some are Marvel Studios (owned by Disney), X-men are Fox, Fantastic 4 are Fox (I think… sucked so bad who cares?), and Spiderman is Sony (kinda). I love Captain America he is the best super hero in the Avengers Marvel shield and there was Iron Man and it was awesome though comics Captain America for me stood for strong moral values on how to treat people with respect, especially women. He was a man of his time. Tony Stark was the total opposite (which was good) as an egocentric big head that seemed to throw his money around and not care… I’m sad because I love these two equally and both are good. I don’t know who I’m going to root for, it was easier when they were all on the same side and I could love them fairly.
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