That is to say if a person hits a person that is stronger than them, The evolution of steve rogers captain america shirt the strong person shouldn’t hit back with more force than the agressor, but equal or only that required to deter the aggressor. I think this example applies regardless of the genders involved.
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It should be entirely up to the victim to decide if repercussions are distributed. Lets be honest, some men would like the freedom of physical altercation with another respective man. I believe in a free country that should be our right aswell. She’s absolutely right she shouldn’t catch a lot of hell. If you hit a man expect to get hit back. It’s not hair that men can be abused and it’s okay but when they defend themselves or hit back their life is ruined The evolution of steve rogers captain america shirt How can any man know that after a woman hits once he’s not in danger? Of course, I have to say, I don’t condone hitting women,

but if you’re going to go by the idea that a man shouldn’t hit a woman unless his life is in danger, he won’t know whether or not that first hit is the only hit, and may or may not be the first of many. That first hit could be the danger in which a man could feel he would have to protect himself. I think anyone should be allowed to defend themselves and I think that someone with integrity who is stronger than the other person should react with equal force to the aggressor.
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