Movie was great Brie was awesome. the cat was awesome everything was awesome in this movie. Can’t wait to see the next avengers movie. Behind every great nurse is a great captain marvel goose cat shirt Especially after watching the end credit scenes. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink. Maybe just sit there and watch the move vs over thinking every little aspect of it. You might find you actually enjoy it more that way
Behind every great nurse is a great captain marvel goose cat shirt
Brie was bland as an actress that she looks so detached from the character she’s portraying, the whole film wasn’t visually appealing, there was no epic moment or scene, choreography was sloppy. The only redeeming factor of the film was that Captain Marvel is part of Endgame… and Goose, and the Skrulls was a surprise. not everyone is going to like this movie for this or that. Especially after the last avengers movie where there were some many epic things that happened. Behind every great nurse is a great captain marvel goose cat shirt That said I think this movie delivered and sets up avengers end game to be bigger than infinity wars as well as the second stage of the MCU.
Yeah but when you take out the scenes that setup Endgame. The film is just still good. I really hated how they handled Fury’s eye. Making it into a joke turned him into a chump instead of a badass. repetition and the power of three are important tools of rhetoric. I think repeating the adjective here creates a more rhetorically power statement because he would have needed to increase intensity otherwise, and it is clear he considers all three to be of the same level. In short, you are right that variation is important, but repetition used in the right way does not mean a sentence is weak and is often the better choice if it conveys a message more clearly.
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