many cats, especially fosters, require baths to help with fleas and or skin conditions. As well as the rarer cases of motor disabilities, like my kitty. He’s a “wobbly cat”, Vintage cow not in the moooood shirt and often falls in his “messes” because he can’t walk very well. So he needs fairly regular bathing to keep him healthy and clean.
Vintage cow not in the moooood shirt
a lot of it is the red tape you go through to adopt. It is not a simple process unless the parents are voluntarily giving rights to the child like this case. In most cases or at least the area I have experience in, the children become adoptable after a period of trying to reunite the child and the birth family with training, financial help, rehab, etc. Then blood family members are given the option to adopt but even they have to go through an extensive licensing process. By the time a child is eligible for adoption they have been in the system at least a year usually more if the birth parents are trying to work through their plan. Our children were in the system for 3 1/2 years before we fostered then adopted another 6 months later. Vintage cow not in the moooood shirt one of my cats has sensitive skin and will force himself to throw up if made to take a flea pill, so until we found a flea medicine that didn’t make his skin bright red and swollen and oozing, his VET is the one who told me to give him a bath once a week. We couldn’t even use flea shampoo to make it less either cause that irritated his skin too much as well. And that’s just the inside cat, I can’t even begin to tell you the amount of things my old inside/outside cats got into that would occasionally require one of them being bathed every few months. But I guess I was supposed to let the idiot lick the car fluids off his fur right?
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Working with cats protection I can honestly say some cats do in fact need baths; abandoned kittens need wet wipes bathes, there are a ton of medical baths such as flea or worm ones, sometimes there’s even some cats who are so sick they can’t wash themselves and may never really gain this ability; and yet to look at them you’d think they’re fine like my pancake, she gets a bath once a month or after messy days with food because she struggles being flatfaced and cleanThe point is, some cats DO need baths and any vet would tell you that because they bathe cats like this too!
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