if a man can’t come home after work and help out around a house that HE contributes to and HE eats in and HE makes a mess, then there’s a problem. Chicken I’m not a hot mess I’m a spicy disaster vintage shirt No matter how much you work a week. A real man finds time to make something a little less stressful for his wife. Don’t make excuses.
Chicken I’m not a hot mess I’m a spicy disaster vintage shirt
But making it sound like they clean the entire house is bs, I dont know anything who cleans the bathroom everyday, the spare rooms, etc. I’m not trying to come off rude or anything, everyone has their own opinion and limit to what they can take/do. I’m just saying they make it sound like they cleaned for 9 hours, my kids toys sit in the livingroom all over until bed time cause I know she will take them out and throw them around some more. so you are saying that a man should do almost everything? Ever heard of fair share? He leaves the house very early in the morning, Chicken I’m not a hot mess I’m a spicy disaster vintage shirt and comes back late in the evening. He hasn’t just been sitting around doing nothing, but you wanr him to keep going when he gets home, so he can spend literally ALL day working, and then goto bed, and repeat the very next day… and yes he contributes to the house with the money he makes from working. Now if both partners work, then yes i can see them both working on the house. But if one stays home, its their job/contribution, to clean the house. And like someone pointed out, that brat/kid can help.
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For a man like you describe… Even if he takes just 2 extra mins to take out the trash that is a big help in itself.. Personally I don’t generally mind it because it often gets me out of the house for a bit. But in my marriage of 9yrs, my husband has only taken out the trash for me like maybe 3 times if that.. Before my current state of recovering from a major surgery that I’m barely just over a week into. So where is your arguement for that? then you make the roommates clean their mess. They leave a mess, they clean it, or you just dump their messes on their beds. In a situation like that (they arent spouse) they can do their own shit.

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