I should hope not difference is dogs when they attack kill people, at least children. Strong cat lady adopt change a life shirt I doubt a cat has ever killed anyone. Scratches are daily life for cat owners, we have 2 little ones right now you should see me and my husband
Strong cat lady adopt change a life shirt
Really should take that cat to the vet have a check up if its not normally like this it could have some problems it happens I had a cat that was nicest well behaved started to get aggressive and angry all the time had him checked out it was a chemical imbalance was able to solve the situation back to his old self dogs only kill because of their size and strength in comparison to cats. Strong cat lady adopt change a life shirt Most large dog “attacks” aren’t even an actual attack it’s just from the dog retaliating in instinct to something and they stop as soon as they realise who they have hurt. I’m trying to get at all these people saying about cats killing birds and they should throw it out the window when dogs kill alot more than cats have you ever known of a car put down for killing Someone I’ve been attacked by dogs and would rather be attacked by a cat anyday
that’s because a cat is physically not capable of attacking an killing a person. They don’t have sufficient bite or crushing strength In their jaw. In saying that yes cats can and have killed people indirectly by causing infections or there have been cases of cats sleeping on a baby’s head and suffocating it. If I owned the cat in the video I’d throw it out a fucking window aswell. That cunt is feral. why would she be filming if she wasn’t expecting a reaction..she probly wound the cat up in the first place ..cats wouldn’t like that react without provocation Cats occasionally attack and dogs occasionally bite. It’s a normal behavior during stress. Don’t stress the animal and it won’t happen. If your that scared of a cat scratch or a dog bite then don’t own animals because anyone that works around animals will eventually be hurt, they are animals and react of of instinct
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