I can’t believe the negative message this video gave out. I really thought the ending was gonna be better than that. Cat treble clef love music shirt Giving your baby up for adoption because u cannot mentally and financially take care of the baby is not a mistake. This is a degrading video.
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I placed my son for adoption. This video isn’t anywhere accurate. Who ever is behind the creation on this video is extremely inaccurate of what adoption is. Maybe they thought it was a mistake, but adoption gave my son a wonderful family. He will never worry about being in a unhealthy environment,he won’t be exposed to domestic violence etc. my child’s life and happiness is important and I will sacrifice whatever I have for my son to have that. I take it this video is more to promote abortion? Cat treble clef love music shirt Theres absolutely nothing wrong with choosing adoption. Its better to give the baby a chance I’m life rather than no life at all. Each woman has a story for the decision they make but they never should be judged by what they feel is best.
Abortion is another option. Taking a bat to the boyfriends head another option.we have so many options to choose from adoption being another. I understand this video. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Different strokes for different folks. I may night agree with your opinion but let me share how i feel about the situation and then you can make the best decision. But remember you will have to live with that decision. That includes any pain and regret. Sometimes we make the wrong choice and it eats us up. but remember we sometimes have to make choices under very emotional and confusing times and they are not always the right choices. I completely understand why you did what you did even though i may not agree with it. You are the one that have to live with that decision and not me.
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