there so it don’t fall but don’t cats land on their feet. Also the white card being WAY to rough Cat shhh I’m reading book shirt with the grey and white one That’s NOT Cat love the other cat was in pain. She was holding that poor cat, so other cat could hurt her. The way it was bitting down with that much pressure can do!!
Cat shhh I’m reading book shirt
The amount of people that think holding a cat lightly on the hind quarters would stop it from ninja-flipping away if it was unhappy, LOL. The cats seem to be play fighting. We can’t tell their relationship because the video is so short. I highly doubt the human is doing anything other than lightly holding up the one cat so it doesn’t fall off the furniture and filming their cats doing Cat shhh I’m reading book shirt what they normally do. When my cat does this to my other cat I chase him away. It’s not fun for the cat who is on the receiving end of a bite on the back and neck. Not even if it’s playing it still must hurt with their sharp teeth.
Not cute Maybe this is just sibling wrestling, but the bigger cat needs a good strong smack or kick! He or she is expressing robust affection, but is not caring about the way it is hurting or scaring the little cat. Very self-centered perspective. The smaller one needs to stand up for herself, learn to bite back harder and use claws, or walk away! If she can’t stand up for herself, then her owner needs to intervene. Standing up to a bully is one of those hard lessons for all of us. I can see that the cats being held up there. Not only that you can tell they are up high she might be holding it
Have a good day and go shopping now

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