Pray for God to help guide you to solutions, not just expecting it to happen once you ask. You still actively have to work towards helping yourself, but prayer is asking God to show you just All I need is this cat and that other cat and those cats over there shirt how to help yourself. And nothing is going to happen overnight, but it doesn’t mean He isn’t working with you every day to get you there. It’s just a journey that you always know there’s a guide helping you through.
All I need is this cat and that other cat and those cats over there shirt
I beg to differ. It doesnt work for you! There is no cure because its a chemical imbalance in SOME case. Its an everyday struggle just like addiction or other mental illnesses. However, there are plenty if people that used their faith to push through and overcome those dark moments. I live with it everyday like you but in the moments I feel my worst, instead of over medicating myself like the doctors would like….I read scriputure and pray. All I need is this cat and that other cat and those cats over there shirt The praying isnt about curing anything its simply my pill of choice to ease my troubled spirit. It’s really hard work, to intentionally say “i will not live like this, I will find my sense of purpose, I want to live, I will get through this day with gratitude in my heart!” I can’t tell you how to deal with your illness but to say “its doesn’t work” is the wrong message to send. Take ownership of that statement “it hasn’t worked for YOU”. I am sorry that you havent found your way to cope with depression.
Take it and hope you love it

If someone feels better about praying, attending church and reading a bible, then it works. Just because it does not work for everyone, does not mean it does not work. It’s all about Faith. Let’s try and support people struggling with mental illness and show support, compassion and encouragement If jesus was real this shit wouldnt exist. Faith exists not god not jesus or any other gods that say can help you. Positive thinking, opening up, good friends. Thats what can help you. I dont mind people believing in different gods or religions but when you suffer day to day if there was a god he would help you God, Jesus, praying etc are just not real…they are an excuse to ignore the real issue. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain and it can be helped by medication and lots of family and friends who care.

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