He is definitely unlike many people who are considered normal and they take advantage of other or they cheat or lie! Some of the worst friends I’ve experienced. No kitty this is my pot pie shirt But that’s the human race! Not everyone comes out of the same mold. GOD bless, and have a nice day!
No kitty this is my pot pie shirt
Why do you have to be so mean and vulgar? Or are you a person that is hell bent on making everyone else miserable just because you are miserable? You’re never too old learn from even the most disabled person. There are different levels or stages of disabilities, even with Down syndrome. Some of the people with Down syndrome I’ve become acquainted with have been some real eye openers. One guy I met couple of years ago worked hard and put himself through business school and eventually opened a business and has become a great supporter in his community. No kitty this is my pot pie shirt Some people were really surprised that he became self-supporting and yet he has the personality of a person that some would say is like an angel or a really great friend that you can really count on. He is holds no ill towards anyone and is a friend you can really count on.
Take your tee and hope you love it

Like most people who are blinded to the deeper truths that this couple reveals; you offer no alternatives or solutions. Could it be that you have none; or that you do but are too cowardly to say them? Those who complain but offer no solutions, are part of the problem. Most men with Down Syndrome are unable to father a child. A lot of the women are fertile, with a 35-50% chance of passing the syndrome on to their children. Even the most “normal” of us randomly produce children with special needs, but that doesn’t stop us from procreating. I think they should be allowed to be in love and live life without too much interference from “normal people” telling them what they can and cannot do. They seem to have great parents that help them live and understand the important things in life.

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