Very interesting story. Some applaud the wife for her sweet revenge and some didn’t agree. But I think forgiveness is a good thing. To forgive someone that wronged you is allowing God’s peace to come into your life. Sunflower tats naps and cats shirt The wife in the story might be satisfied for finally getting back at her ex husband for what he did but I bet she’s not going to have peace in her heart.
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Forgiveness is not for the person who wronged you but for yourself. When you forgive you’re able to move forward with your life. Forgiveness doesn’t mean to allow that same person in your life. I can forgive anybody who did something wrong to me but I won’t forget and give you the opportunity to hurt me again. When you forgive you don’t forget. Someone put my life in danger while my kids were very young, but that day My God was with me as I was driving to a certain death. Sunflower tats naps and cats shirt I forgave that person, provided assistance for him when that person was in need, but I knew better than to allow someone like that around my family. God will never ask his children to put themselves in arms way. Forgiveness yes, safety
You think she should forgive him and not learn a lesson in self preservation. I know a lot of young women who never learn and end up with several babies and no fathher present. Women should not be made to feel guilty about protecting themselves and its about time people stop using the bible and God as an excuse to abuse women, people of colour etc. Sometimes we have to give lessons to that person who disappointed us so much. It is easy to forgive if that person is asking for it. But he doesn’t. What he wants is for himself alone. you clearly dont understand God either.. God will make you enemies your foot stool.. this man was looking to hurt this woman and did.. she did forgive him which is why God blessed her. She did not let the ememy infultrate im her life again… How you respond to things dont make you more “Of God” you need to learn humility love and remember you are just a human and not God. Now your hypothetical was beautiful but that doesnt mean it is of God
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