Seriously how does your private life affect your job that’s ridiculous, Patriotic kitten american flag all over print shirt I swear America is going downhill with all of this stuff! However it is another sign that we are living in the last days. England forced everyone to practice
Patriotic kitten american flag all over print shirt
It isn’t this man’s faith, nor his being a Christian that lost him his job. Once again it’s about bringing your personal views to work. When you are the dept. chief distributing copies of your relies views at work isn’t acceptable. not at all. Read the reports of what happened. Patriotic kitten american flag all over print shirt He was free in our country to write what he felt. The problem is he brought that into work, he distributed his books to his subordinates

That’s why it’s a problem. We have separated church and state in our country. It’s not hypocritical at all. Just imagine if your boss brought their religion into work.l, it’s different from your beliefs but if you object your job might be at risk. That’s a big problem. Kelvin, it is through much tribulation that those who hear that highest of callings must walk to enter the KOG (kingdom of God). You must be special to the Creator to suffer persecution because you are a man of faith. God Bless! You Is this for real?!
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