Yes we film everything because it makes GREAT memories.I’m glad my parents recorded a lot of my childhood. Even now I’ll sit and watch. Jack skellington sunflower you are my sunshine shirt I do it with my so as well. I love to be able to go back and look at precious milestone or silly/crazy things he was doing while he thought no-one was watching.
Jack skellington sunflower you are my sunshine shirt
If you have never worked with kids, your first reaction would be to think that this kid is reading a script. Bit, to be honest, kids are very smart nowadays and I won’t be surprise if this kid is saying this from her mind. everyone attacking you obviously didn’t get the message they claim is spontaneous. I love the message and I try to live my life like that. But…. why is no one noticing the multiple gaps in the video this is no continuous diatribe. Jack skellington sunflower you are my sunshine shirt There are many edits. I think its possible it was staged or recreated but it’s still a good message and all of you berating someone over their opinion should go watch the video again and see if you learn something I don’t think you’re a bad guy for saying that. Noticed a couple cuts in the video, and what she’s saying gives an odd feeling that it was written by an adult trying to sound like a child. However, that certainly doesn’t take away from the message. And if it actually was staged, many points to this child! That is one talented young kid!
Get this item and hang out

even if it was reversed as some accuse her parents of doing. Message was one of love and tolerance if peace and Harmony. What’s wrong with that? You playing into the hands of the powers-that-be. It’s designed to divide and conquer. Greed is not good i wouldn’t deny that you not be the only person who thought that. At one moment it also crossed my mind that someone could’ve scripted her speech. However, after watching it several time, I’ve come to the conclusion that she spoke from her heart. I feel sad for her and lots of kids in the world that deal with constant struggling parents who fight and are mean to each other constantly in front of their children amd their children feel so sad and guilty that’s what i see from this little girl.
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