Honestly, to be texting anyone when you’re supposed to be out enjoying quality time with your partner is fucking rude in general. Put the damn phone away until later. Rabbit death awaits you all with big nasty pointy teeth shirt Texting another when I’m sitting right in front of you on an outing or a date tells me I’m not worth your time or you don’t value me.
Rabbit death awaits you all with big nasty pointy teeth shirt
I comprehend to this video it’s been times when trust becomes the optimum goal of any relationship be it sensual or plutonic trust factor affects the most and binds it together but Is it just that which makes a difference ? What if trust gets shattered knowing or unknowlingly in many occasions we fail to acknowledge that and we feed ourself with toxic depressions I think talking about it and comming into common grounds would likely be a breakthrough or else it’s just another piece of china , once broken it will still have cracks I was scrolling trough the coments Rabbit death awaits you all with big nasty pointy teeth shirt and almost everyone is saying “if we are in a relationship I’m allowed to look trough your phone”. Sorry but I disagree. As for infidelity/insecurities, most women I know let a looooot of red flag behavior with phones slide, face to face confrontation and all, before breaking down and doing the whole super sleuth spy thing. So it’s more confirmation of an already fishy situation. If she did that right out the gate first date of theirs they ever had, THEN I’d say yeah, insecurities are at play.
Yes it is important to trust each other and to be honest. My partner can look trough my phone at any time, but the point is: he needs to ask me to. Because to me it is even worse if my partner would do it behind my back. That would make me feel like I gave him a reason to not trust me anymore. Besides trust, honesty is one of the most important things in a relationship. Looking through my phone behind my back is not honest and would make me lose my trust. So to me by looking through my phone without asking, my partner would create a problem that was not even there before. Being honest but respecting eachothers personal space is my way of dealing with this
Have a good day and take it

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