I respect ur openion but they are womens who believe that beauty only matter for mens. when women’s need everythin in a man look appearance personality and Every bunny was kung fu fighting easter shirt ofcourse wealth..thats All.. the theme is to ignore the negative and embrace positive thoughts. He basically did what you said.
Every bunny was kung fu fighting easter shirt
Guevarra.is like a woman who had tight pussy and loose it tightness after child birth and she get depress even thoe her husband told her she was very ok down there,she will not believe him do you know why? Is because she notice the change and will always be insecure so dont say that. You can’t judged the husband, if he thinks that it’s the best way to keep his wife’s confidence then why not? It’s not easy to pretend as a blind tho. Reality is that the wife’s beauty fades and he accepted that and he stayed with her. Other men don’t stay no matter how beautiful their wife is. Every bunny was kung fu fighting easter shirt I meant that I mean you tell him it just the way it should be it doesn’t matter what you look like as long as you love her with all your heart and all your soul that’s all that matters
to each love story on its own maam, theirs was perfect now you will just have to find a man (or a woman) who will prefer your obnoxiousness, if u cant find any say no more, no wonder you’re single. or if you found one already, i bid him/her goodluck. Woman always find reasons to get depression no matter how much you said you love them and both man and woman know’s that woman are a complicated creature. The guy only wanted to keep his wife happy for the rest of her life even if it means he has to suffer alone in silence.. Now; that my dear is a true love. Lies are not always bad and truth are not always good. The point is they were able to keep the marriage last for life and both of them are happy. Yes the couple live on the lies but they were happy, and the truth could be more hurtful for both of them, why choosing hard way? It’s not he doesn’t want to face it (base on the fact that he can see her every day), but he want to remain the relationship between them because when people love, they want the best for the other
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