Sometimes they serve, but dont, or have forgotten how to live, to me material,.dose not matter, I love my kindergarten peeps easter day shirt Love dose, Unfortunaly,.they chose to forget and u get lost, in the long run, and chose to simply exsist. My trust in God All Mighty, is what keeps me going
I love my kindergarten peeps easter day shirt
Two children, 3 grand daughters, 2 grandsons, 1 great grand daughter. They never visit. My fammily, live in luggaries, but no food to at least greet u. My only son in a very bad relationship, 4 days no sleep, today hes going to be attmitted to a rehab for alcholisum, has,.a mental dissability, as well, we barely talk, because he put them against me, when, I left to a shelter, for abusive woman, because of verbal and mental,.abuse. yes I made a one mistake, making him the, perfict dad. My son, dosent resent, but the others do. I live a very sheltered life, no friends, because if one vistes, I love my kindergarten peeps easter day shirt he plays the game, he controls every. I pay a very high price, but I have to pay my expenses all, food stamps for his pocket. He wants a house. I dont think he wants to understand, that its very complicated at this, time, he simply runs. Im not going to the streets again. Today I over heard him tell, his brother, if anyting, he’ll, leave, to a rotten house, I got him out of. I guess this houde, is going to come out of the air, like Dorothy for the Wizard of Odds, or hes going back, to Gilligans Island. I have a saving he knows
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while I agree with what you said about staying humble and never forget where you are coming from. The part about everyone grave side is really a cliche. When a person does, who care what their grave size is. So telling me I will be burried in the same size grave as a person who I think is ‘lesser’ than me is no life lesson. What I would like to hear is that today you can be up and tomorrow you are down, so be humble and treat people good no matter what… Man you make me cry because I remember the horrible times being homeless,no job,it was so hard. But I never gave up. I’m so enternally grateful for a bed,bath tub,socks,underwear,the list goes on. Thank you so much I hate these kind of black people videos. Where’s the humbleness that someone is supposed to see. She had a choice and she chose him. She needs to be humble and stop approaching ex’s in the street.
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