Bill Bean ain’t gonna lie but it sounds to me like you’ve never kept a relationship very long and jump from woman to woman… I’ve got nothing to learn from you. There is a point where the person receiving these words has to show some accountability, sure if someones with you for years and Retro vintage bunny egg happy easter shirt tells you I wanna live the rest of my life with you and then fucks someone else the same day, then yea, they are a scumbag, but if your togther for a week and all of a sudden they are like “your my whole world” then yeah, that’s on both of them if they belivie it
Retro vintage bunny egg happy easter shirt
When I say hindsight is 20/20 it means once its said and done sure you can say something is stupid, you can say sitting there and saying things like “I’ll always be there” “your the one” “I’ll always love you” is deceptive if things dont pan out but these are things said in the moment, these are things people are convinced in their heart to say. Yes it may change but in that present moment, they mean that shit (usually). Retro vintage bunny egg happy easter shirt Look at the end of the day were adults, if someone throws those out there like its candy then ya they are going to leave people jaded. But pillow talk is a thing and in a world where your lucky if you get someone that shit just clicks with where you feel those things then fuck it, I’d rather say somethings that maybe wont regin true in 2 or 3 years then never tell someone who truly had my heart at the time that they got it
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The only thing we dont agree on is that my definition of cheating is getting intimate with someone physically or emotionally. The other things brought up ether make someone a asshole or naive. You can call someone scum for these things 8 ways to sunday and I can ether agree or be neutral on it, you call someone a cheater and you are giving them the post relationship title of absolute super cunt. Everyone falls out of love, just as everyone is worthy of love. When a relationship goes bad it’s those little sentences people say that remind them of why they shouldn’t cheat. Staying true to your word. If you cheat you are cheating yourself out of something that could be a life time of good. Looks don’t last forever, but having a life time of loyalty and partnership can be the difference in quality of life. No one needs another person to be happy. But I for one, am happiest most in my life when i make someone else happy.
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