Do women cheat? More now than n the past. Most women only desire one man for themselves. Where as most men seem to never be satisfied. There r women who do process the nature of men Happy eastrawr t-rex dinosaur easter bunny egg shirt ( always on the prowl). However, n modern times, women most likely cheat bcz they’ve been hurt/ neglected by their husband/b’friend & not putting up w/ what their mom’s r other women n their family took off their husbands.
Happy eastrawr t-rex dinosaur easter bunny egg shirt
some of us weren’t exposed to enough assholes growing up. I was in denial for way too long because he was twisted about sex in some very disturbing ways. I just couldn’t wrap my mind around it at all. I recently January cheated on my wife with a new friend and it started off like some these videos innocent enough. Just being friends and so forth. All the while my wife was at home bitching and complaining things I did or didn’t do or didn’t do to her way or liking. ie: after you clean the dishes dry them and put them up instead of sitting them in the drainer, when you spray the “no scrub” Happy eastrawr t-rex dinosaur easter bunny egg shirt cleaner on the shower and counter scrub it and get rid of it instead dog letting it sit (which it is kind of the point to let it soak and hot have to scrub)
for every hr you play the game you have to spend time with me (which is impossible or atleast an inconvenience due to our time schedules she is a morning person and I’m a night person) Well after regrettable 2wks after meeting this person it got intimate and… well I cheated to make a long story short. Now I’m separated from my wife and little girl and at times it sucks but if I have to redo it again… i would wait after the divorce but again I can’t say I wouldn’t do it again. I feel less stressed I’m much happier and regret that I spent 10yrs of my life with someone that I honestly didn’t love that much. The person was petty in every meaning of the word. She recently stole my belongings to be short. Don’t allow or make it easy for me to speak to my daughter.
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