If happiness is a state of mind, maybe it doesn’t even matter if you ever “succeed” or get a break, if you could be happy in each moment and find meaning and purpose in all things. Teach like friends plan like monica joey phoebe rachel chandier ross shirt For me i think the key is finding that happiness within myself. Then channel that energy that to spread all the love i can in this world. Oh and redefine the word success because people get so hung up on it , they forget what truly matters
Teach like friends plan like monica joey phoebe rachel chandier ross shirt
This is a meaningful message. Now im 28 years old. After I had graduated from university at 24 yrs old, i didnt get any job in some of companies until the last year. I think everyone has a different clock and we dont need to follow others. Before you die….live your life… Celebrate what you have and aspire to what you passionately love. Teach like friends plan like monica joey phoebe rachel chandier ross shirt Find that one thing, that one person, that one goal that you absolutely love and passionately embrace and you will ‘NEVER’ have to work a day in your life, you will never have to pursue that person who gives you meaning and purpose and a reason to live and love.
My grandma told me the other day that i better put my skates on cause everyone else has left me behind. My response “no one else is riding down this road but me”. I tell her I don’t regret any of my experiences because those experiences have made me the better version of myself that I am today. I didn’t “waste” 10 years of my life being a drug addict. I learned valuable lessons that will stick with me forever and I am now in a position to help others struggling with similar issues. I’m on the path I was destined for. And I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
Have a good time and get it now
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