I’m scared to leave my husband whom I have no feelings for anymore. After having 2 children is when it all changed. Been together for 16 years, married for 9.5 . I’m a simple woman I like cross mickey disney and hunting shirt Our boys are still young, 9 and 6. I’m scared I won’t be able to make it on my own. I have no self confidence, very introverted and have health issues. I don’t know what to do. The house is a ball of tension wrapped in stress.
I’m a simple woman I like cross mickey disney and hunting shirt
This is absolutely true because my husband married me but said after the honeymoon that he had made a terrible mistake… I don’t think he ever really loved me and finally found someone else. We divorced when I was 51. We had three wonderful children and talented beautiful grand children… and I made a very good life after.. I never remarried but had many wonderful lovers … I am now 88 and seeing my ex husband as he is now, I’m a simple woman I like cross mickey disney and hunting shirt and as things turned out it was the very best thing that could have happened for us all. I know it won’t be easy but I’ll try… I felt like dying when he left after five years… But this video just lifted my spirit and I think and I know I will live a better life again.
This is true, unless you take the last line wrong. In a time following an experience like the one portrayed, a person needs to be built up by themselves and friends. But the part about at your worst, the right person will remind you of your worth…that can’t mean that if you have behavior that is hateful, critical, selfish, etc , that the right person will take that or pretend that it is ok. The right person will love you and help you. But if you have problems that you aren’t willing to deal with, you will continue to be unhappy inside and more likely to be lonely.
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