I was curious about the way Bucky said “Go ahead.” To me, he appeared to have been clued in already by Steve at some point (off-screen) Marvel avengers endgame thor the god of thunder shirt about his decision and Bucky gave his support for his best friend to live his life. Hope there will be more Endgame aftermath clues
Marvel avengers endgame thor the god of thunder shirt
He went back in time to right after he was frozen and married Peggy. He was in the back ground the whole time, and showed up at the end of end game I would assume about 120 ish years old because of the super soldier serum. By going back he basically closed his time loop, I have a theory that Bucky knew about it. Due to him telling Sam to go ahead and not going to talk to his best friend himself. I’m excited to see what will come of it. Marvel avengers endgame thor the god of thunder shirt Didn’t they just say that Cap’s life with Peggy at the end of Endgame was in an alternate reality. Does that mean that Winter Soldier took place in that same alternate reality or do they not really know and are just pulling stuff out of their tuchuses with each interview they give?
Have a nice time and hope you love it

its not an “alternate reality” more like “alternate timeline” it doesn’t exist until someone does something major like remove an infinity stone or in this case time traveled and didn’t come back. so yes cap was with the real Peggy he left back in the 40s, but the branch created a new Peggy that had different life experiences moving forward. Basically the writers and directors disagree. The writers say that Peggy was married to Steve in the prime timeline. The directors say it was in an alternate timeline. Honestly I doubt it’s ever going to matter either way, but I think the alternate timeline makes the most sense I think the alternate timeline is the best and perhaps really only plausible explanation and the multiverse opens up tons of fun stories to be had. Just surprised to see them giving different stories. Kind of important for everyone to be on the same page.

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