I’m edging towards sharon maybe being written into the mcu further down the line as a great great granddaughter of cap. Theres so much Marvel avengers endgame friengers friend shirt they can do with the mcu but I cant see them rushing to get them all out at once, marvel is a business and with all the characters they have in their arsenal? I’m sure marvel films will still be coming out long after I’m dead
Marvel avengers endgame friengers friend shirt
There is a teory that Cap actually Peggy husband all along when she mentioned it through the recorded video in Winter Soldier that she was married although she never mentioned it for some reason who her husband was and there was no picture of him in the photo beside her bed even her children’s were in it or she adopted a children? Maybe if she told everyone that Cap was her husband people during that time will freak out and cant took the truth that future Cap went back to live Marvel avengers endgame friengers friend shirt normal life when he was declared dead in action in First Avengers and also there are a tribute about him in the muzium in Winter Soldier and also the real Cap that vanished into the ice wont be found until 2012 by the Shield.
When Cap went back in time to return the stones and came back as an old Cap there’s a ring and that’s mean he is married to Peggy. Does it mean that Cap came back to present time when Peggy past away in Civil War? Does it mean the scene in Winter Soldier were the same as when Thor go back to meet his mother and his mother knew him from the future. And during this scene Cap from endgame came back to married her and supposedly there were two Cap at that time. Peggy knew this. Does it mean the old Cap was in the Church during the funeral where there is also a present day Cap carrying the casket? Any comments and clue? Sorry if i put it in wrong order of sentence.
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