that was really special. As a former teacher I found it very difficult to learn each child’s learning methods. Especially when you have thirty children. I had some loved to sit under their desk on top of it even in laundry baskets. Each child is an individual person. Toothless and deadpool shirt All children are capable of learning. Some faster than others. Individual lessons for students level. Teachers are over worked and under paid. You got to love it.
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I WISH teachers had listened more to my now 22 year old son who is STILL struggling with social issues and he has NO IDEA what he wants to do. He is the most amazing sensitive,thoughtful young man,but that wont get him a career. If just one teacher had listened to him and allowed him to develope and learn to the best of his ability, we wouldn’t be here now, 5 years after leaving school,with still no idea what he wants to, or CAN do. Toothless and deadpool shirt I unfortunately had to take my children out of public school because the teachers just wouldn’t listen, but I will say it was actually better for us. My children are excelling further than they ever did in public school and we teach on the move and it works fantastic. It would be nice if teachers will listen a little bit more and yes I know that not all teachers are this way I’m just speaking from my own experience.
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believe all this that is why special classes are needed? When they are in regular class they would disrupt! These kids are exceptional and believe it or not close to brilliant! maybe it’s an opportunity to teach kids in “regular” class to ignore it. Maybe we’d stop raising such fragile kids, if we didn’t try to make everything so perfect all the time. They aren’t blasting loud music, or asking to be able to scream while they cartwheel in the front of the class. They need to fidget or stand or look off to the side.
it’s funny i was the add kid but I was the kid sitting still listening and learning. I would get mad at the other kids for disturbing the lesson because the teacher would pause to tell them to shut up. I would get mad because the teacher had to repeat the same point 3 times because the others still didn’t get it. So it has nothing to do with the disability, I agree they should make different classes but based more on intelligence, as you say a lot of these kids aren’t stupid, or not concentrating. The level of the lessons are usually just to low for us

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