The only shame is that she died giving Dany carte blanche to burn it all in retribution. I’m not a lady I’m a wolf game of thrones shirt It works though – we knew Dany had a tipping point coming and Missandeis’ death may be the final hardening of her heart.
I’m not a lady I’m a wolf game of thrones shirt
Know what would have made the scene more Game Of Throne-ish? When Missandei was about to say the word Dracarys, camera would have pan to a side profile, showing her brave beautiful looking face with the beautiful blue skies at the background. And at “Dra-ca”, The Mountain would have drive his sword horizontally right into her nape, ripped off her head, tie her body to the ballista and fire it back at the Daenerys. Then Cercei will then smirk and put Missandei’s head on a spike deep in King’s Landing. My bestie & I have loved her character! I’m not a lady I’m a wolf game of thrones shirt All this crap about having a black woman die in chains because people won’t write an important, black, female character? Bullshit. Missandei is an important character. An awesome, long running character who has been one of the most honourable, smartest, level headed characters on the show. After being freed, she was her own woman, choosing to align herself with Dany because she believed in her.
Not her fault they wrote and filmed it that way, but that was bullshit…. she had her arms bound in front and Cersei walked up to her unguarded and touched her. All she had to do was reach out, grab the queen, and fall off together leaving everyone dumbfounded. War’s over. Missandei is the hero and Cersei pays the price for her arrogance. ‘Dusts off hands’ Of all the amazing ladies in Game of Thrones, Missandei wasmy favourite. Why? She never hurt a soul. She is a girl whom as a child was stolen from her home, forced into slavery, heavily implied to have been sexually abused, and forced into a role of translator to facilitate the further purchase of yet more slaves. And despite all that. She remained a kind, caring, gentle and compassionate person. She will indeed be missed
Have a nice time and hope you love it

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