Well see people need to not alwaysbe quick too judge a person ,And look the woman turned out too be his daughter, I am so stupid and so tired please stop expecting things from me shirt And then the man felt like a butt and tried too cover his actions up by trying to offer him the job after he knew he was wrong.
I am so stupid and so tired please stop expecting things from me shirt
man poor bad clothes he was homeless because he broke his hopes but owner shows up on him and says if i offer you job would you take it and would you change your life he has bad haircut but he start 4$ hour for 36 hours a week so owner of company shows up and he give him hopes and more opportunities each 2 years because he found out that his the someone he can trust he learned all skills and this person got married and has 3 children now are all of them in college and now he I am so stupid and so tired please stop expecting things from me shirt become CEO of the company his owner passed away because of cancer and person becomes ritch i cannot provide names without his consent but this is real story
why should the prospective employer “already trust” the new employee? The only thing he has to judge him by, is his word/commitment to be at the interview on time, the only example he had was that he didn’t show up in time. I wouldn’t have hired him either. That’s true until the new ones start to break the trust and that’s when people stop trusting. I’m one i dont trust people only cats and dogs they are more loyal than any human That’s true until the new ones start to break the trust and that’s when people stop trusting. I’m one i dont trust people only cats and dogs they are more loyal than any human
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