They have no idea how difficult it is to produce a show as expensive as this with a limited budget with it being in its last season. Game of thrones thats what I do I drink and I know things shirt They havent s bloody clue on how to write a script and NONE of them could ever create something as grand as this for television.. so yes, they should can it! i cant stand when people stomp off like children
Game of thrones thats what I do I drink and I know things shirt
characters randomly changing personality, banal dialogue (even from previously razor-sharp characters). Token puppy (sorry, Girl)-power. Ned Stark/The Red Wedding etc etc were shocking but made sense. Now it’s shock for shock’s sake. And it’s fucking terrible. Pointless both in terms of the time and effort of the viewer and the arc of the actual characters….. So bad I seriously think it might be the greatest troll of all time….. Incredible, beautiful, intricate show now barely above Game of thrones thats what I do I drink and I know things shirt Michael Bay turdage… Such a shame. Such a waste. you are aware that filming has finished…so all this griping over this show is pointless…I mean sure I have moments where I’m like why is this happening?! (E.g brienne/Jamie) but then I remember hmm this is are made believe characters and no one’s got a gun to my head forcing me to watch so that I then can go online and attempt to tell those amazing writers what they should’ve done.
Love this show – Get this badass tee
It’s not good writing. Characters are making idiotic decisions that any normal person would call BS on. Every bad thing that’s happened in the last 2 seasons has been a direct result of everyone having an acute case of THE DUMB. you completely missed the point. People are NOT complaining about people they like dying. the complain because lots of characters behave like they have an IQ of a slice of bread. Many things happening in season 8 simply do not make any sense If you think this is good writing, then I’m not surprised you like this season.
Because you don’t need continuity of characters, plot development, or timelines that make sense. You just need action and people talking about things that make no sense. I envy you. The rest of us can’t overlook the numerous plot holes, tactical idiocy and characters who make decisions that are inconsistent with the previous 7 seasons. This season is very poorly written, despite the extra time they had to do so. It is a fantasy show but when the battles make zero sense at all, it is hard to overlook. When characters *cough*Bran*cough* are supposed to be super powerful but never actually do anything, it is hard to overlook. Ignorance is bliss in this case and I am not ignorant.
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