We must love others with no expectation in return. If you’re able to do that, you will truely be happy. I think this was not told in the video You are my sunshine skull sunflower shirt because helping can be in two ways, one contains selfishness and ego and other selflessly with no greed and expectation in return.
You are my sunshine skull sunflower shirt
I run a fostercare organization in uganda, we’ve only been open for 1 year. This is what I have learnt in this one year as CEO of my small non profit, I cannot save everyone, I cannot fix every problem that is presented to me. I have to accept my weaknesses as well as my strength. Failure is part of growth. I cannot help anyone if am not healthy myself. If I die the world will still go on. I wasn’t placed on earth to sufffer but to serve. I must take time to feed my soul. You are my sunshine skull sunflower shirt I must take time to do fun things too. Its okay to walk away from certain opportunities. Am still learning but my biggest weakness in this service is to learn when to ask for help.
The happiness could actually be because of we were capable to help. We humans are selfish of nature right?? We have this thing called ego. We feel happiness if someone praises our work. So, if we are able to help in any form it is because we are capable and when we are capable of help we feel this feeling of providing for others or we are superior as of ourselves and able to help. Yes, I’ve felt the feeling while helping others and I’m a helpful person. And we feel happy to help, but just a thought in my mind that, the selfishness in our mind always creeps up. Like, I’m going to help so much that whole world will know. This things should not come I think but comes most naturally to us. We must help others with no expectation in return.
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