if he does not scream. He is expressing his beliefs the best way he know, by being himself. Just a girl who loves sunflowers shirt I feel that if he becomes technical in his videos, i won’t feel as much energy and spirit in what he is trying to say.
Just a girl who loves sunflowers shirt
I know don’t need to increase the volume or the speed or the gestures to increase impact. Impact comes from great visuals (top marks), good content/writing (top marks), good editing (top marks), good quality shooting/lighting/audio (top marks), music (sometimes), creativity of concept/approach (top marks), face expression (good but room for improvement) and from – here it is – good delivery (lots of room for improvement). Just a girl who loves sunflowers shirt Of course everyone has his/her own style of speaking but within that you have a range of options to work with. Experiment with voice inflection and the rhythm of the sentence(s) and how emphasis on a specific word with a slight pause after it creates huge impact – gives your audience a moment to absorb your point. You have to be yourself but you’re also an actor. Sometimes you move into actor mode and then from there you can find an authentic “you” voice.
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Also, he speaks loudly and clearly so people from all backgrounds have a better chance at understanding him some people who aren’t native English speakers have a more difficult time listening to English is the speaker isn’t enunciating well and projecting their voice for every sound to be caught. doesn’t speak loud, Nas speaks with confidence! I never once thought he spoke too loud. He just says what he wants to say with complete confidence in himself. And thats something more people should learn how to do! I like that he does that get me into the video and it’s proven the people who speak louder or higher pitches get more views and higher traffic just remember kwebble cop those intros tho
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